Innovative and active all over the world
A family-owned company
The companies in the Jebsen & Jessen Group can look back on a 125 year-old history – and innovative services and the best service for their customers form part of this tradition. The company founders Jacob Jebsen and Heinrich Jessen made a decision to set up a joint business in Hong Kong whilst in the bar of the German Club in Shanghai on New Year’s Eve in 1894 – a memorable moment in an equally memorable place. This became a reality on 1 March 1895. In 1909, the Hamburg-based subsidiary was opened in the former free port area in Hamburg.
Main shareholder of the Hamburg companies group

Hans Michael Jebsen
Chairman of the company Jebsen & Co. Ltd, Hong Kong

J. Heinrich Jessen
Chairman of the company Jebsen & Jessen Pte. Ltd, Singapur

Worldwide Jebsen & Jessen
family business
Jebsen & Jessen Hamburg
Jebsen & Jessen Hamburg

The interactive map shows the worldwide activities of the Jebsen & Jessen Group. Explore the different locations with the cursor and learn more about our sister companies and subsidiaries.